FontFrenzy is a program that comes free of charge from the makers of Internet Explorer. It is a very popular type of software and comes with many features that help improve your typing speed and accuracy. Some of the features include: a fast preview option, a large dictionary database, and many other options. You can download this software directly from the Internet or download the free version if you prefer. The free version comes with many limited features and is not recommended if you are looking for a comprehensive system. If you just want to get better at typing, this is an excellent choice for you.
When you first open FontFrenzy, it'll display all of the currently installed fonts on your PC. You can see the size, the language, and even the font type. You can then add a new font to the program and choose a font size. The program is very easy to use, just drag and drop the fonts you would like. FontFrenzy will then display a preview of what the font will look like. Here's a quick guide on how to use the program: click on the "Tools" button on the top right corner of the window; choose "Add Font"; choose the name of the font; choose where you'd like it to appear on your screen; and click the "Create" button. Once you've done this, you'll have the font in your Fonts folder.
Now you may want to try out the free version of FontFrenzy before you purchase the paid version. There are several features that come in the free version that may be useful to you. If you want a complete free system, you may want to look into downloading the application from the Internet. You'll be able to try out the full features and have it tested out by yourself, which is something that would cost you more money when you buy the full version. Another great thing about FontFrenzy is that it comes with many free fonts. The free software allows you to download a number of free fonts from the Internet for testing purposes and the developers of FontFrenzy do not charge you anything for these fonts. This is an excellent option for someone who wants to test out FontFrenzy before purchasing the paid version.